Cataract; It is an eye disorder in which the transparent lens in the eye loses its transparency for various reasons and results in decreased vision. It occurs in 90% of cases depending on age. Although less common, secondary cataracts can be observed due to trauma, some systemic diseases, eye conditions such as uveitis, and the use of certain drugs such as steroids.

Congenital cataracts may also occur in babies at birth due to rubella or antiviral medications taken by the expectant mother during pregnancy and similar reasons.


Shapeless and blurred vision

double vision

Colors are difficult to perceive or faded

Difficulty seeing at night

Frequent change of contact lens or glasses prescriptions

Loss of depth sensation

Eye strain and headache


The only treatment method for cataracts is surgery. There is no treatment with medication. A decision for surgery can be made as soon as the patient’s vision is inadequate and cataract is diagnosed. It is not the right decision to wait for the cataract to mature and harden. Because surgeries for hardened and mature cataracts are more difficult than others, and recovery times may be later.


It is the valid and most successful method used today. Its biggest advantage is that it can be applied in a very short time and can be performed without making a large incision in the eye. After surgery, vision is restored very quickly and the surgery is performed seamlessly using special lenses. The patient can undergo surgery in a very short time, without anesthesia, using eye numbing drops only, can go home, and can slowly return to his/her daily life within a few days.


Before the surgery, you can eat as long as it is not too heavy.

Medicines used for systemic diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure and asthma should continue to be taken on the day of surgery.

On the day of surgery, you should come without make-up and avoid using deodorant and perfume.

During the surgery, you will wear special surgical clothes that will be given to you for sterility.

You should not move your head or eyes for a short time during the surgery.

You can go home shortly after the surgery is over.

Your doctor will call you for a re-examination within the first 36 hours.


Do not rub your operated eye in any way and avoid movements that apply pressure.

Do not sleep on the side where your operated eye is located.

Avoid heavy physical movements.

Do not contact your eyes with soap and water for the first week.

Check with your doctor when you can do swimming, diving and other water sports.

Most importantly, use the medications recommended by your doctor on time after the surgery and be sure to come for check-ups.


Cataract surgery is completed in approximately 15-20 minutes after numbing and dilating the pupil. The time it takes for the patient to regain normal vision after surgery varies depending on the difficulty of the surgery and the hardness of the cataract.

A very good vision point is reached within 7 – 15 days. The patient recovers completely between 15 and 30 days. A patient who comes at the right time and has surgery can recover even in 1-2 days.


Once you have had cataract surgery, it is not possible for cataracts to form again. In a situation incorrectly described as “I have cataracts again”, the eye lens thickens the capsule part, reducing vision. In this case, surgery is not necessary and the capsule is opened in 1-2 minutes with the “Yag Laser” and the old vision is restored.